May 21, 2012

The Season of Autumn

This is Autumn.

It's a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. Autumn is named for her mother's favorite season, which coincided with the time during her pregnancy that Autumn's mom felt the most at ease. I was so excited to meet Autumn because her mom is a dear friend of mine. I would have driven to the end of the earth and back to meet Autumn. Luckily though, all I needed to do was take a day trip to Michigan to meet this California-born little lady.

This was Autumn's first photo shoot, but I am hoping it was the first of many. She, like her parents, is a delight.
Autumn 6
Autumn 4
Autumn 1
Autumn 5
Autumn 2
Autumn 3
Autumn 9
Autumn 10
Autumn 8
Autumn 7
And then we let her get some rest. It was a pretty big day for a two-month old.


Anonymous said...

Such beauuutiful, natural pictures - and aren't Autumn's parents just so "laid back". That was a fun day and it was very nice to have you back with us again Amy. Your pictures of our precious granddaughter are delightful!

Buzz said...

Agreed with Mary. And, I'm particularly liking the big blue eyes!