November 26, 2008

My Favorite Holiday

I worked until 4:30 today and then took the 5:03 train home. Usually that statement would be preceded by me bragging about how I early I left work. But today was a day when the firm said everyone was free to go at 2 p.m. The catch to that offer was that we were only dismissed if we had no work. I had work. I didn't have attorneys breathing down my neck for said work, but I knew if I didn't put in a little extra time today then I would have that problem come Monday. So I stayed a little later and grumbled about it all the way home. Now, five hours later, sitting comfortably at home in my PJs watching the Daily Show, it no longer seems like a big deal.

I'm glad it no longer seems like a big deal because tomorrow I get to celebrate my favorite holiday. I've always felt like Thanksgiving is an overlooked holiday given that Christmas officially permeates the entire month of November nowadays - parts of October for that matter too. But I love Thanksgiving, always have. It's fantastic. I admit it doesn't involve elaborate light displays, FREAKING INFLATABLE LAWN ORNAMENTS(!), songs, presents and a month of justified gluttony in any way imaginable. But you know what? That is precisely why I love Thanksgiving so much. There's no pretension. There are not sky high expectations. There isn't excessive planning and priming and preparing months in advance. There's no pressure. At least for me. Those of you making a turkey tomorrow probably would beg to differ. Thanksgiving is just so easy. And what other holiday encourages not only forgiving pants but napping after a good, hearty meal. It's a beautiful thing, Thanksgiving. A holiday that is one single day and the only requirement is enjoying company, food and reflecting on a few of the things that give you thanks.

And in the spirit of my favorite holiday let me say I have many things to be thankful for - most of all my friends and my family, their good health and the ways that they continue to inspire, amaze and love me. I honestly do feel blessed many times over.


SavvyFitChica said...

I totally agree with you- Thanksgiving WOULD be the best holiday except for one little thing... I'm ALWAYS fricken sick on this holiday. Never fails. I thought it was the weather change in Michigan because this was always the time of year it started to get really REALLY cold, but nope, I'm sick in AZ too! Argh.

Nonetheless, I'm thankful for you Amy- you're a wonderful friend and I love having you in my life! Happy Thanksgiving!

Anonymous said...

We wish you could have been in 2 places so we could see you this weekend for dinner,Wii and ping pong games at Harts house. We will see you soon for the overbearing holiday of the year which will be here before we know it.
PS by not coming home now you missed the inflatable turkeys - some which sit along side the snowman and santa.